3rd OPTICS2 Workshop: Towards SAFE and SECURE Urban Air Mobility – September 6-7 2021 (9-13.30 CET)
The OPTICS2 3rd Workshop on SAFE and SECURE Urban Air Mobility will be held online September 6-7 2021 (9-13.30 CET)
This third OPTICS2 workshop brings together leading-edge experts in Urban Air Mobility, Safety, Human Factors and Security, to discuss the key elements necessary to deliver safe and secure UAM. The output of the workshop will be a prioritized list of the safety and security developments for safe and secure UAM, and a roadmap for their development and application.
The workshop will be held online September 6-7 2021 (9-13.30 CET)
The workshop will be held online. Registration prior the event is mandatory to participate. The workshop will be structured as follows:
- DAY 1
09:00-09:15: Practice on technical issues and troubleshooting
09:15-09:30: Welcome and description of the workshop
09:30-13:30: Futurish Cards Workshop on UAM - DAY 2
09:00-09:45: Presentation and discussion on Day 1 results
09:45-10:15: Vladimir Cid-Bourié – European Commission
10:15-10:45: Henk Hesselink – NLR
10:45-11:15: Carmen Aguilera – EUSPA Agency
11:15-11:30: break
11:30-12:00: Vassilis Agouridas – ASD
12:00-12:30: Silvio Semanjski – AURORA Project
12:30-13:00 Bianca Schuchardt/Christoph Torens – DLR
12:30-13:00: Wrap up and conclusions
Click here to check the full agenda
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- Vladimir Cid-Bourié is Project Officer at the European Commission’s Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Having joined the agency in 2018, he is part of the Horizon Transport Research unit where he is in charge of a Research & Innovation portfolio of aviation and drones related EU projects. Previously he worked for CDTI, the Spanish Innovation Agency, a public body answering to the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Vladimir started his career in KPMG consulting and was trained as an Aerospace Engineer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Click here to view the presentation -
Henk Hesselink is senior R&D Manager at the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Center, NLR, and team lead for the integration of unmanned systems with a focus on U-space and UAM. He is policy advisor for the Dutch government and involved in EU projects (VLDs) for demonstrating complex drone operations in different environments. He is project coordinator of VUTURA and technical manager for the AMU-LED project. Henk participates to international working groups for the integration of drones and urban air mobility, such as EUROCAE and IFAR.
Click here to view the presentation - Carmen Aguilera is Head of Section for Operational Market Development in charge of Safety Critical Applications at EUSPA, the EU Agency for the Space Programme. She is serving the Agency since 2009 and is in charge of bringing Space services into aviation and unmanned vehicles, maritime and rail transport users, fostering new applications, research and development and business growth for EU industry. She has over 15 years experience in the aerospace sector with focus on research and innovation in the downstream market.
Click here to view the presentation -
Vassilis Agouridas is Head of the EU Public Co-Creation & Ecosystem Outreach activities at AIRBUS (Urban Mobility) and Chairman of the UAM Committee of ASD Europe (the AeroSpace & Defence Industries association of Europe) and, on behalf of Airbus, the Leader of the UIC2 (Urban Air Mobility Initiative Cities Community) launched in October 2017 within the Smart Cities Marketplace of the European Commission. More recently, Vassilis has been designated member of the EASA Steering Group on the development of Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMCs) and Guidance Material (GM) for the U-Space Implementation Regulation (2021/664) in his capacity as leader of an experts’ team for Article 18(f).
Click here to view the presentation - Bianca I. Schuchardt works as aeronautical research engineer at DLR in Braunschweig and has been engaged in UAM research since 2011. At the DLR Institute of Flight Guidance she is leading the DLR projects “HorizonUAM – Urban Air Mobility Research at the German Aerospace Center” and “MaRPAS 2 – Maritime Operation of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems”. She is also coordinating the UAM topics within the NASA-DLR cooperation on “Air Traffic Management Exploration (ATM-X)”.
Click here to view the presentation - Christoph Torens is a research scientist at DLR, Institute of Flight Systems, Department Unmanned Aircraft in Braunschweig. His research focuses on software verification, software safety, and software certification for autonomous unmanned aircraft. He graduated in computer science from the Technical University Braunschweig, Germany. He is currently vice chair of the AIAA Software Technical Committee and member of the AIAA Unmanned Systems Integration Committee. He is a working group member for ongoing standardization efforts with ASTM and EUROCAE.
Silvio Semanjski, aerospace researcher for more than 20 years, specialized in manned and unmanned air traffic management. He is currently leading the AURORA project. The project brings safety-critical solutions for autonomous self-piloting flight capability in UAM operations, integration with very low level air traffic management, and urban/peri-urban mobility ground elements.UAM, GALILEO, AUTONOMOUS FLIGHT, VLLATM, SELF-PILOTING
Click here to view the presentation
- DAY 1 Activity: Futurish Cards on UAM Results (.PDF)
- Day 2 Speakers’ presentations are accessible from the section “Keynote Speakers”, at the bottom of each speaker’s short bio.