The OPTICS2 team is constantly working to enrich the OPTICS2 database and the State-of–the-Art in both Aviation Safety and Security, to refine the assessment methodology and to disseminate its findings and results.
In Year 1, a first version of the OPTICS2 methodology will be released and a workshop on Cybersecurity will take place. The project assessment will be focused on European aviation safety and security projects, and the first release of both the State-of-the-Art and the OPTICS2 Database will be delivered towards the end of 2018.
The methodology will be fined-tuned in Year 2, where the topic Data Science will be explored through workshop. The project assessment will be mainly focused on national, and the work on European security projects will be finalised. Furthermore, potential synergies with other sectors will be explored. The second release of the State-of-the-Art and of the OPTICS2 Database will be delivered towards the end of 2019.
Year 3 will be mostly focused on strategic aspects and on exploring the research activities carried out within the industry. The third release of the State-of-the-Art in aviaton safety and security and of the OPTICS2 Database will be delivered towards the end of 2020.
The benchmark of EU and non-EU research strategies and the conceptual integration of safety and security will be main challenges of Year 4. The assessment will be focused on international programmes and their comparison with the European ones. The integration of Aviation Safety and Security will be the topic of the forth and last workshop. The final release of the State-of-the-Art and of the OPTICS2 Database will be delivered towards the end of 2021.