NLR – National Aerospace Laboratory

The Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) is the central institute for aerospace research in the Netherlands. Since 1937, NLR is an independent non-profit organization that provides technological support to aerospace industries, to operators of civil and military aircraft, of airports and of ATC systems, to authorities and to international organizations, all over the world.

The Institution supports worldwide all stakeholders in air transport to understand and resolve complex safety implications of the new technologies and operations necessary to accommodate growth in air transport. Furthermore, the Safety Institute has participated and led research projects in the field of safety modelling during the last 25 years.


  • Leads the projects assessment activities and the development of the state-of-the-art of safety,
  • Contributes to the the review of the assessment methodology,
  • Supports the organisation of stakeholders’ engagement activities,
  • Supports the dissemination activities.
